Feeding Time - Week 35 (Video 1)
Theo's weaning has been ongoing for the past few months, and recently, he has begun showing preference for certain kinds of food. For one, he seems to like bananas mashed in yogurt, Indian curry as well as certain types of vegetables such as (mashed) pumpkin. He is also very fond of fish as well as fish-tasting (baby) crackers. For me and Mommy D, feeding our little Theo is always a fun yet challenging experience.
As promised, we begin our first installment of Theo's short videos. Here's one 2-minute video showing him playing with his teether which he received from his Lola Nalik. This file is roughly 22 megabytes (I still have to get hold of a video compression software), so those with dialup connections are not advised to view this file.
For the purpose of uploading Theo's videos and photos on the Internet, we have purchased a domain name which provides a whopping 5 gigabytes of bandwidth and 5 gigabytes of disk space. Recently, it has become very cheap! Ours is just US$3.90 per month, which is much cheaper than that of yahoo.com.
Since we begun Theo's blog, which includes photos, and now, videos, we have outgrown the free geocities.com which provides only up to 15 (tiny) megabytes of space and very limited bandwidth. In fact, if you view all of the photos in this blog in one sitting, very soon, the photos will no longer appear, simply because the bandwidth limitation has been (quickly) exceeded. You have to wait for 30 min to 1 hour to view the photos again. Those days will soon be over, esp. after I have uploaded all of Theo's photos to our new server and changed the links in this blog.
After I have reconstructed our website in the new domain, we will make the announcement here, among other fora. So please don't forget to drop by once in a while.