Sunday, February 18, 2007


Theo has chickenpox! It started with a few spots last Wednesday (Feb.7) but the blisters all began to appear this week. By now, they have already dried up, as you can see from the photo of his back above. We expect these scabs to fall off this week, after which, he would have recovered completely and developed lifetime immunity from the virus. Prior to the appearance of the skin eruptions, he had a slight cold and runny nose. This is a common early symptom of chickenpox, the incubation period of which lasts between 1-2 weeks.

Apparently, the chickenpox virus did not put any dent on Theo's level of physical activity and mischievousness. Today, we played around with some water-soluble pens and drew markings on his face, which he also loved looking at the mirror over and over again. His mom turned him into a cat, while I wrote "I (heart) Boky" on his forehead. It only took just one or two wipes of a wet towel to remove the markings on his face.

Look closely at his teeth in the second photo below. Those dark substances on the upper part of his incisors are actually some kind of dental cement that the dentist placed to prevent further tooth decay. While this substance is very effective, it makes him look like there's chocolate on his teeth all the time. Well, there's nothing we do about it now except continue teaching him how to brush his teeth.

The last photo below was taken the other night while he was wearing dark glasses. Check out those oh so kissable lips! (Minnie Mouse is asleep behind him.)

Monday, February 12, 2007

Fast Talker

Theo has become a fast talker lately, although some of his words are still incomprehensible. In the photo above, you can find him pretending to talk on the phone while being surrounded by his toys. We are also surprised at how quickly he can remember the names of things, particularly animals and sea creatures such as seals, whales, and dolphins.

I think it wouldn't take very long before Theo will compete with us on the use of the computer to surf the Internet, if the photo above is an early indication.

Nonetheless, Theo's priority is still the outdoors. He loves to climb small hills and run on the grass. It was very cold when this photo above was taken, but he didn't seem to mind it at all.

We think that the older he grows, the more sweet and loving he becomes. Maybe it's also because he's always showered with lots of hugs and kisses.

Friday, February 02, 2007

"The First Adolescence"

Theo has entered the phase of the "Terrible Two" or, as Dr. Greene would call it, "The First Adolescence" Now is the time that he begins to make his own choices, when our "no" clashes with his "yes". Nonetheless, as what has been written in, "ideal children do NOT always agree with their parents." Ideal parenting, on the other hand, helps children navigate this "stormy" phase.

Ideal parenting is grounded on love, and I once read that if you want to raise emotionally and mentally healthy children, you should shower them with as much hugs and kisses as you possibly can. And as far as Theo is concerned, he's having much, much more than the required daily dose.

Because he is still breastfeeding, he is very much attached to Mommy D. He probably looks at her mom not only as a source of love and comfort but as a source of nourishment as well. Not surprisingly, he would actually look for her every few minutes, even in the middle of play. Surely enough, he would easily burst into tears if he doesn't find her.

These are just phases in Theo's life, and we will always be there for him as he "conquers his demons". While this phase may be a bit difficult for us, we know that it is hard for him as well. But we have to give him the freedom to be his own unique person. Our impact on him should be constantly positive, so that when this phase ends, we would have molded him with a good head, and most importantly, a good heart.