Boky Photo (Part 4)
How does it feel to have your unborn child staring at you from a photo taken from deep within the womb?
I am not certain though whether Boky's eyes are open in this image. What's for sure, however, is that he looks so content within the confines and safety of Mommy D's womb. It wasn't too long ago when Boky was nothing but a small ball of rapidly dividing cells. Now, he's almost about ready to emerge from his "cocoon" and begin life as a human being, like you and me.
From the moment it began, Boky is a winner ab initio. We all are. Of the millions of sperm cells that come rushing through the uterus and fallopian tube, with one sole purpose: to fertilize the solitary egg, only one triumphs. Only one in a few million survives; that is far better than winning the lottery, for it is life at stake. Without a doubt, we begin life as a winner, and although we fail or lose once in a while, nothing changes the fact that winning is literally in our genes.
The countdown until D-day continues, and as this life-changing moment draws near, we are simply glad that both Mommy D and Boky are in very good health. Boky is also growing at an almost perfect, textbook-true pace (as usual!).
Well, come to think of it, what can you expect from a (yet-to-be-born) winner?