Theo's First Bicycle Ride
This must have taken only 10-15 minutes or so, but this is undoubtedly Theo's first bicycle ride.
We went to a nearby park this afternoon because the weather was so beautiful and it wasn't too cold. Surprisingly, Theo's classmate, Retsu-kun, who brought his bicycle along, was there together with his grandma. It was actually Retsu's grandma who suggested that Theo give the bicycle a try, and she helped him with the ride for a considerable distance. Surely, Theo was totally unfamiliar with the bicycle, but someday, I will give him riding lessons myself.
Theo and Retsu also played baseball. Theo has no idea what this game is all about because none of us watch baseball on TV at home. (He knows boxing, however, thanks to Manny Pacquiao.) So they didn't play long and preferred to just run around the park instead.
I explained to Theo the concept of static electricity a couple of days ago and I was quite surprised when he remembered it this evening while playing with his balloons. He had fun rubbing the balloons on his clothes, just like I showed him, and letting them stick on his hair, arms and even on the walls.