Sunday, January 25, 2009

Theo's First Bicycle Ride

This must have taken only 10-15 minutes or so, but this is undoubtedly Theo's first bicycle ride.

We went to a nearby park this afternoon because the weather was so beautiful and it wasn't too cold. Surprisingly, Theo's classmate, Retsu-kun, who brought his bicycle along, was there together with his grandma. It was actually Retsu's grandma who suggested that Theo give the bicycle a try, and she helped him with the ride for a considerable distance. Surely, Theo was totally unfamiliar with the bicycle, but someday, I will give him riding lessons myself.

Theo and Retsu also played baseball. Theo has no idea what this game is all about because none of us watch baseball on TV at home. (He knows boxing, however, thanks to Manny Pacquiao.) So they didn't play long and preferred to just run around the park instead.

I explained to Theo the concept of static electricity a couple of days ago and I was quite surprised when he remembered it this evening while playing with his balloons. He had fun rubbing the balloons on his clothes, just like I showed him, and letting them stick on his hair, arms and even on the walls.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Theo's Version of ABC

We've always believed that Theo's training in the English language is very important; that's why Mommy D and I have been taking much time recently in teaching him his ABCs, phonics, as well as very simple mathematics suitable for his age. However, given how naturally mischievous he is, he would often do or say something that would make us laugh during our lessons. He is really one kid who would do anything just to make people laugh, and surely, our family and friends will see this for themselves very soon. Here's a sample:

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Toy Kingdom - 2

Mommy D went to Costco (a wholesale shopping center) on December 29 for some year-end shopping, and this gave me and Theo some bonding time together. When I asked him where he wanted to go, he said that he'd like to go to Toy Kingdom once again. Wish granted! And just a few minutes after the place opened, we were already there and Theo and I spent the full 3 hours immersed in so many toys and lots of other children. Some photos below.

A trip to Toy Kingdom isn't really enough for him unless he spends some time playing with the trains.

He also spent about half an hour here...

...and then almost an hour here playing with toy blocks.

Certainly, we left after our 3 hours were over, and on our way back to the station, Theo couldn't help but pass by and contemplate near this pool of water.

We spent our New Year's Eve at my officemate's apartment together with many other families and friends. It was a fun and memorable evening, not only for us but for Theo as well. The two photos above show him together with Kevin, my officemate's youngest son. Theo was awake until around 2 a.m. but he promptly fell asleep as soon as we arrived home.

Happy New Year, everyone!