Sports Day 2008

What is it like to be a miracle in the making?
September 22, 2008 (Monday) - Yes, it was a working day in Japan, but since the following day was a nonworking holiday, I decided to take the day off to bring Theo to Disney Sea. He has been to Disneyland twice already and this was his first (and probably last) time to come to Disney Sea.
September 21, 2008 - It was a drizzling Sunday when we decided to take Theo to a small festival for children somewhere in Ueno Park. There were lots of food and game booths on that day, and in the nearby pavilion, performances were held almost nonstop from morning till mid-afternoon. Theo watched most of these performances of traditional Japanese music.
Certainly, one visit to Arakawa Yuenchi isn't enough. Theo has to go back there again, but this time, with his camera-toting Daddy B tagging along. Thus, we went there again yesterday and our little Theo spent many hours in the various rides and attractions. Some snapshots below:
Now that our little Theo has become very vocal about what he needs and wants, it is also now the time to listen to what he wants to say. Mommy D found these parenting videos (click on the links below), and if you're a parent, you'll learn a lot from these.