Sunday, April 30, 2006

Table Disaster

April 30, 2006 / Sunday / 9:50 p.m.

At around 1 year and 4 months, Theo has now reached the age when he insists on some level of independence, and this evening, he insisted on feeding himself. Mommy D obliged, with disastrous (but still cute) consequences, as you can see from the photo above.

What we found more amazing recently was his ability to follow our simple instructions, such as asking him to give something to one of us or to put garbage in the trash bin or used clothes in the laundry basket. Without a doubt, the older he gets, the more endearing he becomes.

It is now the so-called Golden Week in Japan and it will be national holidays from Wednesday to Friday. Mommy D, Theo and I are planning to go to Ueno (in Tokyo) on Thursday and meet up with Tippi and Ian for a nice day in the park. We're sure Theo will enjoy feeding the pigeons, which will be his first. Certainly, you'll see the photos in the next post. Till then...

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Uh oh...

April 23, 2006 / Sunday / 5:15 p.m.

In this photo, Theo looks as if he was caught with his hand inside the cookie jar. In this case, it was inside the trash bin. But we really didn't mind because we know when it's not the best time for him to open the trash, which is after Mommy D washes the dishes. When this photo was taken, the trash was filled only with paper and old magazines.

Theo is used to opening the trash bin because we can "order" him to put anything in the garbage. When we tell him "ibutang sa basura" (put in the garbage), he knows exactly what to do. Sometimes, however, he lingers longer and explores the contents of the can, which is not advisable if there are really dirty and wet stuff inside. However, that seldom happens because (1) we take the trash out (almost) everyday and (2) we know that this is Theo's "excavation site" (sometimes), so we make sure it doesn't contain anything noxious or obnoxious.

This photo also provides you with a visual perspective on how small and cute our bundle of joy is. This time, though, he's no longer a bundle but a storehouse of tricks and mischief. One thing's for certain though: he's a very sweet kid. He loves to kiss and be kissed, maybe because he has become so used to the love and affection that his parents unceasingly shower upon him.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

The Crying Game

April 8, 2006 / Sunday / 12:30 p.m.

Babies and children consider crying as a potent way of attracting attention but there has never been a picture of a crying Theo in this blog...until now. In this photo, Theo is crying his heart out because he wanted to be carried and cuddled by her mom; however, she happened to be very busy preparing his dinner.

It is not easy, though, to make Theo cry. He may hit his head on the corners of tables or on walls but unless it's really unbearably painful, he would just massage his head and get on with whatever business he's doing. Nonetheless, as much as possible, I don't want to see him cry; Mommy D, on the other hand, has gotten so much used to it that she doesn't mind the tears unless they're pain-derived .

At present, Theo is on the floor playing with an unopened can of cocoa. He is spending more time playing alone or entertaining himself, and it takes much longer before he gets bored. Observing him from a distance and guessing what's going on inside his head has become one of our Sunday pastimes.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Where to,Theo?

April 1, 2006 / Saturday / 11 p.m.

In this week's photo, Theo is seen walking towards the dining room from the bedroom, unmindful of the camera straight ahead of him. By this time, Theo has become so used to the camera and its flash that he has come to accept it as part of his world. Photography being one of my hobbies, there are just too many cameras at home, ranging from medium format to slr to digital. For us, it certainly would not be surprising if Theo ends up becoming a photographer himself.

Every week continues to be filled with surprises, as Theo now begins to explore his surroundings and responds more to our commands and requests. It is always amazing to see him respond to the world that slowly unfolds before him. We will try our best to ensure that the world he sees is positive so that he grows up with a good heart and with faith in what is good.