Third Month Birth Anniversary - Week 13

Today, March 26, is Theo's 3rd Month Birth Anniversary.
With the passing of the third month also comes much relief for Mommy D who no longer has to wake up more often in the middle of the night to feed Theo. By this time, Theo's sleep has become much longer and more deep, providing much respite for the tired mom. This is because Theo's stomach has become much larger, holding much more breast milk that could last for much longer hours before the next feeding.
If Theo is such a healthy and adorable baby, it's really because of the immeasurable love, care and sacrifice that Mommy D has been providing. Certainly, I do my part in baby-sitting, esp. at night and on weekends, but because I have to work on weekdays to put food on the table, it's Mommy D who's with Theo 24/7, thus having the most significant influence over his life and total well-being. As one Jewish proverb says, God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers. The influence of a mother on a child can probably be encapsulated in this succinct quote by O. Schreiner: There was never a great man who had not a great mother.
Theo, one day when you're old enough, you'll probably read all these; here's one thing that you should always remember: Love your mother. You owe her your life.