Saturday, March 04, 2006

For Sale?

March 5, 2006 / Sunday / 12:48 p.m.

For sale? Not even for 500 million yen! However, Theo was very game when Mommy D and I stuck the price tag on his forehead and took this shot (top photo). In the bottom photo, Theo is seen on the phone busily talking to his imaginary friend/s.

By this time, not only can Theo fully walk but he can walk very fast around the house. True to our expectations, once he learns how to walk, he no longer wants to be carried. He has become much more curious, opening closets and cabinets, including the fridge, and then emptying them.

He can also obey certain commands, such as asking him to walk towards one of us. He can also perform funny actions upon command and repeats his performance each time we laugh at him. And one thing that we enjoy most is that he hugs and kisses us either spontaneously or upon urging.

I always look forward to weekends because that's when I can play with him for as long as I want.


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