Saturday, September 02, 2006

What are you lookin' at?

What are you lookin' at?

Theo is at the small park near our home where we usually take him when he's bored. It's not really a big park but definitely large enough for a 20-month-old kid.

Did I say "20 months"? Time flies indeed.

Theo in exercise mode? No, he's just watching his favorite videos of nursery rhymes and Disney classics.

We went to Matsumi Park yesterday where Theo enjoyed watching and feeding the kois. As you can see, these fishes are oversized, probably because they're always being fed by many kids every weekend.

Aside from enjoying the outdoors, Theo also loves toy cars or anything on wheels (toy trains, buses etc.) When we go out, he would sometimes bring one of his toy cars and make it run on the street. He's built a collection already, but we get them all from the 100-yen shop or from secondhand stores.

Theo is definitely 100% male. As his personality unfolds, his brain continues to be wired towards boys' stuff. His toy choices are his own.


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