Saturday, August 05, 2006

Mr. Multimedia

Theo has not learned how to play computer games yet, but he can surely appreciate the elaborate graphics on the screen. Last Sunday, I was passing the time on a space shooting game and Theo insisted that he take control of the gamepad. As you can see in the photos above, he enjoyed it immensely.

Theo also enjoys watching Disney movies, particularly those of Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Donald and Daisy Duck, as well as Goofy. In this photo, you can see him completely hunched and absorbed in front of the TV. Recently, we have tried to limit his viewing time though, lest he grows up as a couch potato.

We take him outdoors at least once a day, usually to the small parks around the neighborhood. Here, he'll be running around and expending all of his excess energy, which seems to be building up as he grows. The worst thing for him is to be bored at home. That's when he'll start attracting everybody's attention. If you're a parent, you know exactly what I mean.


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