Saturday, July 23, 2005

Stuffed! - Week 30

We received a package of goodies from Theo's Lola Nalik this week and among the things inside were two stuffed toys and numerous nice shirts for Theo, plus some vitamins and candies for us.

From the photo above, we need not tell you whether Theo loves the stuffed toys or not. His smile from ear to ear while hugging the toys says it all. Also, if you look close enough, you can already see his two upper incisors beginning to emerge. In less than seven months, Theo has certainly gone a long way from being a toothless, milk-exclusive infant to a very expressive, munching baby.

Today, we took Theo to a big park together with some of the Filipino students and scholars here in Tsukuba. Almost everyone who saw him could not help but comment on how healthy and handsome he is. They were also surprised why he doesn't seem to mind being held and cuddled by those who are complete strangers to him. He really seems to be a socially well-adapted baby.

As he grows older, more and more his name is becoming truly apt. Theo. Divine Gift.


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