Tuesday, May 31, 2005

The Banana Monster - Week 22

This past weekend was just too hectic that I wasn't able to update the blog yesterday.

Saturday was spent preparing the balikbayan box that will be sent to the Philippines today. There was also a party of the Association of Filipino Scholars in Tsukuba from 6:30 p.m., which extended until 1 a.m.

Sunday, on the other hand, was spent at church, followed by an extended breakfast at Denny's with friends; in the afternoon, I had to prepare for my seminar presentation today. In between all these, I had to take care of little Theo if and when Mommy D had to do some household chores. Whew!

And speaking about Theo, our 22-week-old bundle of smiles and giggles has recently developed a liking for bananas. Mommy D would microwave the banana so that it becomes very soft, mash it in plain yogurt, and then feed it to our banana monster. Detailed instructions for this were obtained from the city hall baby care division or something which sounds like that (in Japanese).

In the photos above, our banana monster (or should I say, cute little monkey?) is seen in action, drooling and licking an unpeeled banana, which incidentally was imported from the Philippines.

Yum yum!


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