Sunday, January 02, 2005

Theo's First Bath at Home - Week 1

Is this Ian Thorpe in the making? Probably not yet, but as you can see, Theo is enjoying his first bath at home (with Mommy D's and Daddy B's hands supporting him). This shot, by his aunt, Tippi, was taken on January 1, the first day of 2005.

Like most parents, Mommy D and I have begun the almost sleepless nights taking care of our veritable bundle of joy. "Almost" because newborns usually spend as much as 16 hours of sleep within 24 hours; but then, the baby has to be awakened every 3 or 4 hours so that he can feed. Because Theo has been a super milk guzzler since his birth a week ago, he was the fastest growing baby in the hospital nursery, a testament to his optimum health and excellent well-being.

At home, his milk guzzling continues. In fact, for the past few days, his routine revolves around only three processes: input, processing, and output, just like a computer running a statistical software, hehe... Input = breast milk; processing = digestion; output = (you know what).

As he grows older, I think he's starting to resemble my father, the original Daddy E, just much, much cuter!


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