Saturday, July 10, 2004

Not an Accident

Just to set things straight ab initio: Boky is not, repeat, not an accident.

Mommy D and I had been planning Boky since last year. In fact, Mommy D had visited a specialist to consult specifically on this since previous attempts had been unsuccessful. Per the doctor’s advice, she measured her temperature each morning after waking up to determine day-to-day fluctuations. (A woman’s body temperature increases just before ovulation.) After plotting two months worth of data, we found that she ovulates at roughly around the 15th or 16th of every month. That made things easier.

Next question: Is Boky most likely male or most likely female? Here’s what the literature says. “Timing of the intercourse is very important. The closer to ovulation you have sex, the greater the chances of having a boy. This is because the Y sperms are faster and get to the egg first. So having sex a day before and up to a day after ovulation is a good time to conceive a boy. Having sex much earlier, say three days or more before ovulation favors a girl since the weaker Y sperms tend to die sooner and allow the stronger X sperms to be available in a bigger quantity when the egg is released.”

Note that this is just one factor out of three. The rest are not related to the data of Mommy D’s temperature fluctuations. (If you’re interested in the other two factors, drop me a line.)

Thus, on the basis of all these, is Boky male or female? That’s our secret and that’s something that you have to guess.

The December delivery is also not an accident. It was planned --- deliberately. Unknown to many, Mommy D and I have the same zodiac sign. That further denotes that our personalities are relatively the same; thus, how we react and how we deal with situations are predictable to both of us.

Boky will also be a Sagittarian, hopefully. And hopefully, with three Sagittarians in the same family, life will be less unpredictable.



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